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Lease Extension Agreement


Date: [Date of agreement]

[Landlord] and [Tenant] agree to extend lease on said premises known as [Address and Description], original lease dated [Date of original lease].

For good consideration [Landlord] and [Tenant] agree to extend the said lease term for a period of [Period of extension] years, starting date [Start date of extension], and terminating date [End date of extension].

The parties agree that no further right of renewal or extension shall exist beyond termination date indicated above.

During the lease extension period, [Tenant] agrees to pay rent of
$ [Rent per year] per annum, payable $ [Rent per month] per month in advance. Other terms modified by this lease extension agreement include the following: [Description of other terms]

All other lease terms shall remain unchanged and continue during the lease extension period as is set forth herein.

This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns, personal agents and representatives.

Landlord Date

Tenant Date

Witness Date